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Детские песенки/Nursery rhymes
Скороговорки/Patters and tongue twisters

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Главная » » Английский для детей/English for kids » Загадки/Riddles

Riddles for elder children

What tables have no legs? (time-tables)


What is white when it is not clean and black when it is clean? (a blackboard)


There are six of us in every family, but only four in a town; what are we?  (letters)


I have cities but no houses; forests but no trees; rivers without water; what am I (a map)


Riddle me, riddle me, what is that, over the head and under the hat? (hair)


What can live on paper, but will die on water? (fire)


What goes up when the rain comes down? (umbrella)


Which month has 28 days? (they all have 28 days)


What is that you cannot see, but which is always before you? (your future)


A little old woman with twelve children: some short, some long, some cold, some warm. What is it? (year)


What man cannot live inside the house? (a snow-man)


What runs but never walks? (a river)


The doors are open in the morning but shut at night. If you look into them, you’ll see yourself inside. (eyes)


What kind of teeth cannot bite? (the teeth of a comb)


There’s a question which we cannot answer with «no». what question is it? (do you hear?)


What has hands but cannot hold anything? (a clock or a watch)


What time of the day is it which we can spell from front to back and from back to front? (noon)


It’s your parents child, it is not your brother, it is not your sister. Who is it? (I)


I go at night and all the day, and yet I never go away. (a clock, a watch)


Five cupboards, but only one door. (a glove)


These two brothers live not far away; one on the left, on one the right; but they never see each other. (ears)


We are  half a tram and half a bus; if in a hurry, go in us. (a trolley-bus)


Somebody looked at a portrait and said, «Sisters and brothers have I none, but the man in the portrait is my father’s son.»

Who is he?                    (I)


What is it that a man cannot live without?         (name)


It is a word of five letters. Take away two letters and you have only one left. What is it?            (stone)


What animal sleeps all the winter with its head hanging down?     (a bat)


How many birds?

Twice four and twenty blackbirds

Were sitting in the rain;

I shot and killed a seventh part,

How many did remain?


(twice four is eight. Eight and twenty is twenty-eight. The seventh part of 28 is 4. So 4 blackbirds were killed. And these were those blackbirds which remained, because the others flew away).


As I was going to St. Ives

I met a man with seven wives.

And every wife had seven sacks,

And every sack had seven cats,

And every cat had seven kits.

Kits, cats, sacks and wives,

How many were there going to St. Ives?




Elizabeth, Elspeth, Betty and Bess

Elizabeth, Elspeth, Betty and Bess

They all went together to look at the nest.

They saw a nest with four eggs in it,

They all took one and left three in it!

Why is it so?


(it was one girl)


And this one jumps from tree to tree.

(Is he a little like you and me?)

He has his warm coat on all the time,

And loves to jump about and climb.

Who is it?


(a monkey)


Clean, but not water;

White, but not snow;

Sweet, but not honey.

What is it?




Two people are walking along the street. One  says, «This is my father’s house, but I’m not his son.» Who spoke?   (his father’s daughter)


There are three workers, they have a brother named John. But John has no brothers. What can you say about this?                (he has three sisters)


What is the word that everybody spells wrongly?                (wrongly)



It’s blue by night,

By day it’s white.

It’s cold and not dry,

It falls just from the sky.




What is it that has always been and yet is only a month old?

(the moon)


Two brothers, fair and bright, always running, never meet. (the sun and the moon)


When I eat, I live; but when I drink, I die.                   

What am I?                   (fire)


Six legs, two heads, one tail.

What is it?           (a horseman)


What is without hands and without feet, without neck and head, but can open the door?




My FIRST is in PEN but not in CHALK,

My SECOND is in SPEAK but not in TALK.

My THIRD is in NIGHT but not in DAY,

My FOURTH is in MARCH but not in MAY.

My FIFTH is in WHITE but not in DARK.

My SIX is in ALEC but not in MARK.

And all the words is of any colour but not white.

With it I can draw lines and also write.


(a pencil)



In spring you’re glad to see me,

In summer I help you cool,

In autumn I give you food,

In winter I make you warm.


(an apple-tree)


What can you hear but not see?  (wind)


What begins with T, ends with T, and has T in it?      (a teapot)


Four legs, but is not an animal. It can have feathers, but is not a bird.             (a bed)


What is it that was tomorrow and will be yesterday?           (today)


What is small and black,

With a tail and a rounded back.

It doesn’t bark, it doesn’t bite,

But it doesn’t let you pass

From one form to the next.


(a two)


What clock shows the right time only twice a day?     (one that doesn’t go – a stopped one)


It is very old and still it is bright. Just four weeks old, and never be five.         (the moon)


What God never sees,
What the king seldom sees,
What we see every day;
Read my riddle, I pray.

(an equal)


He went to the wood and caught it.
He sat him down and sought it.
Because he could not find it,
Home with him he brought it.



Thirty white horses
Upon a red hill,
Now they stamp,
Now they champ,
Now they stand still


Категория: Загадки/Riddles |
Просмотров: 10336
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